Omani Marriage Support Fund To Come Before Sultan for Approval

A final draft of a report recommending the creation of a “Marriage Support Fund” in Oman will go before the Sultan for its final approval.

Council of People’s Representatives

The report was honed by the elected council of people’s representatives. The report has gone through several drafts and was at last given its final form after extensive discussions about the need for and ramifications of such a law.

Majilis Ash’shura

After the final stage of the report’s development, a drafting by the Health and Social Committee of the Majilis Ash’shura, the report is now ready to be examined by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said before he gives the report his final approval.

Meeting Demands of Protestors

The creation of such a fund in Oman is unprecedented, and its development is a direct result of the demands of reform called for by protesters who shook the Omani political scene earlier this year. The establishment of a governmental fund to support young Omani men in their desire to marry was one of the prime demands of the protesters, who took to the streets in cities throughout the Sultanate, including Muscat, Sohar, Salalah and other areas. Subsequently, practically all of the demonstrators’ demands have been met by the governmental authorities.

The Deputy Head of the Health and Social Committee, Marhoon bin Masud Al Ghaithi, commented on the significant contribution this fund will make to the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of Oman after the adopting of the report by the council.

“When some citizens cannot meet the costs of marriage due to high dowries and financial inability, that has a negative impact on the society,” said Al Ghaithi.  “This directly results in late marriages, and a large chunk of the Omani youths become averse to marriage due to these factors.”

Marriage Fund Issue Studied In-Depth

Al Ghaithi added that the committee had studied the issue in-depth, taking several steps before the final version of the report was completed.

“We looked into existing legislations, laws, bylaws and decisions related to marriage in the Sultanate. We also reviewed a number of studies, researches, data,” he added.

Al Ghaithi also said that there are many other benefits of this fund, and he is satisfied that this fund will be established by Oman with great benefit to the Sultanate.