in Regional News

Oman Boosting Healthcare Budget for 2013

The government of Oman is planning on increasing funds allocated for healthcare by 9.4 percent over what was spent in 2012, officials announced. In 2012 Oman spent RO 500 million, and plans to spend RO 547 million this coming year. That figure would make the healthcare expenditure about five percent of the total budget for Oman for the year, which is RO 12.9 billion.

Total number of hospital beds is also expected to increase in 2013. A new hospital is planned for construction in Mahout at a cost of about RO 8 million. The Jalan Central Hospital will cost about RO 35 million, set to be built in South Sharqiyah. Also being planned are several regional health centers in various local authorities in Oman at a cost of about RO 6.4 million.

His Excellency Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Obaid al Saeedi, Health Minister of Oman, said that the country should have their plan for the 2050 health system ready during the first half of 2013.

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